Tokyo gay bar song

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Yamori and Nico were ordered by Aogiri Tree's leaders to capture 'Rize herself' or 'the person smelling like Rize.' Together with Ayato Kirishima, they raided Anteiku and captured Ken Kaneki. Though clever, he is also quite whimsical and prone to getting swept up in whatever current subject has his interest to the point of ignoring all other things. He is also shown to be quite intelligent and cunning, gathering information on Aogiri while earning the trust of its leader with little effort. He expresses misgivings over cruelty towards children, as well as some of the antics of fellow Clown Roma Hoito. However, he does have something of a conscience with lines even he will not cross. From his interactions with Yamori, he appears to be a sadomasochist who enjoys his own pain as much as witnessing the suffering of others. He is fascinated with the extremes in life, both things of great beauty and horrifying violence. Nico is a very flamboyant and outgoing person, with a playful attitude that hides his rather twisted personality.

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